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First Article Inspection

First article inspection from SGS – ensure that produced parts are in accordance with the design data, the specification and customer expectations.

First article inspection from SGS – ensure that produced parts are in accordance with the design data, the specification and customer expectations.

Ensuring that produced parts are in accordance with the design specification and customer expectations is crucial. That is why, in the aviation industry, a first article inspection is usually required by authority directives, the customer and/or international standards. Our first article inspection takes place before you begin serial production to ensure that products meet all requirements.

Why choose first article inspection from SGS?

We can help you:

  • Ensure parts are produced in accordance with the design data and specification
  • Make informed decisions between design and production, so you can factor in any required improvements before beginning production
  • Establish a platform to discuss your expectations and any other improvements and requirements
  • Avoid risks during production and failures due to the immaturity of processes 
  • Deliver an agreed product to the customer and gather the input for the process evaluation (the last article inspection)

Trusted First Article Inspection from a World-leading Provider

As a world-leading inspection provider, we offer you unrivaled experience and expertise in providing first article inspection for the aviation industry. With our global reach, we can provide first article inspectors anywhere in the world, experienced in customer and OEM requirements.

Our first article inspection service includes:

  • Planning and scheduling of the first article inspection in close communication with the product supplier, OEM and customer
  • Performing the first article inspection
  • Reporting

To discuss your first article inspection requirements, contact us today.

  • SGS Slovakia spol. s r.o.

Kysucká 14,

040 11,

