Our Social targets
Operations and Supply Chain
Throughout our operations and supply chain, we commit to:
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- At least one third of leadership positions held by women
Health and Safety
- Maintain our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) below 0.31 and 0.21 respectively
- Increase year on year the number of HSE certifications of the main operational sites (ISO 45001 and ISO 14001)
- Increase the number of Behavioral Based Safety Observations every year by 5%
Knowledge and Engagement
- 7 million hours of training per year to employees, clients and communities
- Improve year on year our employee engagement and manager support scores
Human Rights
- Ensure and protect human rights respect throughout our operations and supply chain
Community Donations
- Increase by 50% our positive impact on our communities through employee volunteering
To learn more about the progress we have made against our goals, please visit our Integrated Report.