The current situation
Forests are among our oldest natural resources. Rapid industrialization, population growth and agricultural practices have increased global wood consumption and exploitation of forests. Public pressure, more stringent legislation and a global focus on environmental protection are fuelling the drive to ensure that forests are well-managed resources and companies use materials from responsibly managed forests. Forest certification allows your company to prove its support of public and environmental demands, helping to differentiate your service from competitors.
About forest management
Forest management certification is an independent assessment to ensure that your forest management practices comply with the Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC™) internationally recognized standards.
FSC™-accredited forest management certification from us assures buyers that your timber comes from a forest evaluated and certified as being managed according to the correct social, economic and environmental standards.
The FSC™ also evaluates, accredits (through ASI as the accreditation body) and monitors forest certification organizations, which are authorized to certify against its principles and criteria. Our program holds FSC™ accreditation.
We can assess, audit and certify organizations against FSC™ Principles and Criteria for Forest Management, which concern the environmental, social and economic impacts of forest management.
We also offer forest product chain of custody (COC) certification that ensures the origin of timber as a raw material or product. Where there is timber processing within the forest environment, we can provide forest product COC and forest management audit and certification services simultaneously, saving money and avoiding the duplication of efforts.
Responsible forest management certification enables you to demonstrate your commitment to well-managed forests, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of your corporate image. It also assures customers, stakeholders and investors of the quality and reliability of your forest management efforts.
Products originating from forests certified by us may carry the FSC™ trademark. Since buyers of wood products are increasingly adopting FSC™-accredited certification as an element of timber specification, an FSC™ trademark on your products provides you access to markets that specify timber products from well-managed forests.
Our forest management certification involves:
Step 1 – we conduct a pre-evaluation to identify gaps in the management of your forests. In some cases, pre-assessments are compulsory for becoming forest management certified.
Step 2 – SGS conducts the main evaluation, which involves:
Agreement to proceed – a contract is signed to begin the main evaluation.
Stakeholder consultations – individuals and groups involved in managing the forest areas to be certified are consulted before and during the audit.
Field evaluation – determine how closely your activities in the field comply with your documented management systems and forest management standard requirements.
Stakeholder interviews – interviews are conducted to clarify the nature of any issues raised and your responses to them.
Summing up and closing meeting – our findings are presented to your management to inform you whether you will be recommended for certification. Any deviation against forest management standard requirements will be described as nonconformities.
Reporting – public and confidential reports are prepared to detail all results and findings from the field evaluation.
Peer and internal reviews – the report is scrutinized by nationally recognized, independent forest experts. The report and peer reviewers’ comments are then internally reviewed before a final decision on certification.
Step 3 – if the evaluation and review process is positive, a certificate and information about the conditions of use are issued. Your company will also be recorded in the FSC™ Database.
Step 4 – after certification is issued, regular audits are made to ensure that the standards assessed at certification are being maintained. The first visit is approximately 12 months after certification. Subsequent visits are at least annual, or more frequently if issues need monitoring, such as outstanding Corrective Action Requests.
Step 5 – an SGS FSC™ forest management certificate is usually valid for five years. After this period, we will review your forest management system to start a new certificate cycle.
We are the leading independent body for forest management and forest product COC certification.
Other forest management services
We offer in-depth training that provides an overview of forest management certification. Please, speak with your local SGS affiliate for more about our training courses.
We are also known for solutions to address other forest management needs, as well as continuous improvement:
COC certification – a secure COC requires certified products to be identified, segregated and accompanied by appropriate documentation at all stages.
Forest Product Inspection Services (FPIS) for round wood and poles, wood chips, pellets, particles, sawdust wood pulp fibers, sawn wood, veneer sheets and plywood, as well as fumigation, collateral management and financial services.
Consumer wood product testing against Japanese, EU and US market requirements.
See the wood for the trees with our SGS Forestry Accreditation and Licenses. Learn more here.
About SGS
We are SGS – the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for sustainability, quality and integrity. Our 97,000 employees operate a network of 2,650 offices and laboratories, working together to enable a better, safer and more interconnected world.
400 Broadacres Drive,
7th and 8th Floors,
Bloomfield, New Jersey, 07003,
United States