SG 54/24
Japan has published a guideline in English to assist stakeholders with, inter alia, the import ban on specific products containing class I specified chemical substances.
Japan’s Act on the Regulation of Manufacture and Evaluation of Chemical Substances (Act No. 117 of October 16, 1973, the Act), commonly known as the Chemical Substances Control Law (CSCL), is a comprehensive piece of legislation for the management of substances to protect human health and the environment.
Chapter III of the Act regulates the manufacture, import and use of class I specified chemical substances. Unless these designated substances are for testing and research purposes, manufacturers and importers of such substances are obliged to seek permission in advance from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. Additionally, Article 13 to the Act directs the publication of Cabinet Orders to prohibit the import of products containing class I specified chemical substances.
On March 7, 2024, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) issued a guidance document in English to assist stakeholders with import clearance procedures for chemical substances related to the Act.
The current guideline details, among other things, the list of products, with corresponding HS codes, prohibited from being imported if they contain the designated class I specified chemical substance (Appendix 2).
It is important to note that Japan is intending to designate several other chemicals as class I specified chemical substances with controls over certain goods from being imported (SafeGuardS 03/24 and 28/24).
With an extensive global network of highly experienced technicians and local state-of-the-art laboratories, SGS’s Restricted Substance Testing Service (RSTS) has developed a one-stop solution for manufacturers and suppliers.
Discover more on our website, visit our RSTS cloud and contact us if you would like to learn more about how SGS can support. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.
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