
What are you looking for?

Vapor Intrusion Characterization and Monitoring

Vapor intrusion characterization and monitoring from SGS – fully characterize and monitor your site with the help of our state-of-the-art delineation tools and regulatory compliant analytical capabilities.

Potentially toxic and carcinogenic vapors can accumulate in indoor air in buildings near or on top of a contaminated site. These substances, which can include chlorinated volatile organic compounds [CVOCs], petroleum products and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs], pose risks to human health through inhalation. Vapor intrusion characterization and monitoring is essential for preventing such health risks and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Why choose vapor intrusion characterization and monitoring from SGS?

We offer an unrivaled combination of vapor intrusion delineation tools, sampling equipment, and analytical capabilities that will enable you to meet project and regulatory targets. Testing for vapor intrusion is complicated by temporal and spatial variability. This means that a multiple lines of evidence (MLE) approach is often needed to properly interpret results and make decisions. Our direct read instruments, variety of sampling equipment and analytical capabilities will help you to complete an MLE investigation from site characterization to site closeout.

Our Applications by Application

Delineation Tools

  • Passive assay badges
  • SmartSense
  • AIHR Shark
  • Field meters (MiniRae, MultiRae, Multi-gas meter)

Sample analysis (by media):

  • Indoor air
  • Outdoor/ambient air
  • Soil vapor
  • Sewer vapor
  • VIMS exhaust

Indicators, tracers, and Surrogates (ITS) Tools:

  • Helium detector
  • Continuous monitoring sensors:
    • Temperature
    • Pressure
    • Humidity
    • Total volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Our Applications by Method

Sample analysis (by method):

  • TO-03
  • TO-04
  • TO-13
  • TO-15
  • RSK 175
  • ASTM 1946
  • Specialty metals

Equipment Rentals:

  • Sampling canisters
  • Flow controllers
  • TEDLAR bags
  • Digital pressure gauges
  • Soil gas sampling manifolds
  • Air sampling pump rentals
  • Field meters
  • Passive assay badges
  • SmartSense
  • AIHR Shark

Vapor Intrusion Services from a Leading Provider of Testing and Monitoring Solutions

We offer an unrivaled combination of vapor intrusion delineation tools, sampling equipment, and analytical capabilities that will enable you to meet project and regulatory targets. Our vapor intrusion specialists are ready to help you to develop a site specific and cost effective sampling plan that takes you from site characterization to site closure.

Contact us to learn more about our vapor intrusion characterization and monitoring services.

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  • SGS North America Inc.

201 Route 17 North,

7th Floor,

Rutherford, New Jersey, 7070,

United States