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Revision to the US Toy Standard Published as ASTM F963-17

SafeGuardSSeptember 01, 2017

ASTM F963 has been revised to include editorial changes and clarify requirements for Kinetic Energy Density

The main reason for the revision was to clarify that the new Kinetic Energy Density (KED) is only applicable to projectile toys and arrows that have a kinetic energy greater than 0,08J. This in order not to impose unnecessary testing. The requirements for KED are to be found is section and

Other changes made have been more editorial and/or for clarification.


Some examples of these changes are:

  • The word “must” was changed in “shall” to emphasize the mandatory status of the standard

  • A listing of microbiological standards has been added to the referenced documents in sec. 2

  • Clarifying that eye shadow or lip gloss intended to be applied on a doll’s face is not subject to FDCA labelling requirements

  • The definition of “driving mechanism” was deleted as it is no longer used in the standard

  • Setting only one condition to define a low power circuit by deleting the condition not to exceed 15W at the end of 5 minutes.

  • Rewording charging and discharging conditions for batteries in

  • Several other editorial changes

The ASTM F963-17 is a revision of ASTM F963-16. The ASTM F963-16 version became mandatory on 30 April 2017. ASTM officially notified CPSC on Friday, September 1, that a revised ASTM F963 was published as ASTM F963-17. CPSC now has 90 days to accept or reject this revised standard. ASTM F963-17 standard will then become a mandatory requirement after 90 days from when the Commission accepts this revised standard.

SGS is committed to providing information about development in regulations for consumer products as complimentary services. Throughout the SGS global network of laboratories, we are able to provide a wide range of services including physical/mechanical testing, analytical testing and consultancy work for technical and non-technical parameters applicable to a comprehensive range of consumer products. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


Manufacturer, retailers, and distributors of toys would need to test to the requirements of the revised standard once it becomes a mandatory.

For enquiries, please contact:

Piyush Shah
Technical Director (Hardlines)
t: +1 (973) 461-7953

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