Understanding and monitoring external risks connected to food safety is a business-critical issue. Most companies are unprepared and, whether the problem is contaminants, foodborne issues, regulatory changes or NGO campaigns, they simply have insufficient processes in place to reduce risk in their value chain.
Our comprehensive early warning risk monitoring solution, SGS DIGICOMPLY, constantly analyzes millions of data sources, including inspections, regulations, customs controls and authority, NGO and media reports, to deliver effective hazard analysis on the trends impacting the food industry.
Utilizing advanced data analytics and predictive capabilities, it allows you to identify and monitor new risks, as well as take rapid actions to adjust test plans, mitigate HACCP risks and enhance supplier verification programs.
Fully customizable dashboards help you visualize crucial data relating to hazards, commodities, suppliers, alert types, etc. Additionally, seamless integration via API (application programming interface) into your existing quality management system (QMS) enables quick and informed compliance decisions.
Key Facts:
- Access to over 150,000 food safety alerts spanning a decade
- Coverage of 100+ authorities from over 4000 sources
- Comprehensive food hazard terminology dictionary
- Data collection from 90+ languages across 200+ countries
- Real-time issue tracking and strategic decision-making capabilities to prevent crises
Why choose SGS early warning risk monitoring services?
We are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in the global food industry. Whether you operate in food manufacturing, food retail (including e-commerce), food service and distribution, agriculture and feed production, pet food manufacturing or the food supplement sector, SGS DIGICOMPLY offers proactive control over contaminant risks, regulatory changes and foodborne issues that may impact your business.
Country club estate building 9, 21 Woodlands drive,
Woodmead, South Africa