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Cost-Efficient Genotyping for North American Field Crops

Join our live webinar and discover our genotyping arrays – optimized to reliably generate high-quality genotypic data.

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping is now being widely used in many North American key crops. It is applied for the characterization of genetic resources, breeding germplasm and varieties, as well as genetic mapping and especially Genomic Selection. Many of these key field crops species are allopolyploid species (Canola, cotton, in part maize) which makes high-precision genotyping and allele calling difficult.


This webinar will introduce you to the genotyping experience of SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS GmbH TraitGenetics Section (SGS IF TG) for key North American field crop species. Our high-density, intermediate-density and low-density genotyping arrays have been optimized to reliably generate high-quality genotypic data.


  • Introduction
  • Maize/corn
  • Soybean
  • Cotton
  • Canola/Brassica
  • Outlook on providing samples, costs and turn-around-times
  • Q&A

Target Audience

This webinar is open to everyone in the plant breeding and plant genetics sector (public and private) that is interested in genotyping maize/corn, soybean, Brassica/Canola, and cotton for research and development. If appropriate, please forward this announcement to potentially interested colleagues in your company/institution.

Language: English
Cost: No Charge

Can't make a live session?

Register now and receive a complimentary recording after the live event.

For further information, please contact:

Jennifer Buckley
Senior Global Marketing Manager - Food and Crop Science
t: +1 973 461 1498

1 Place des Alpes,

P.O. Box 2152,

1211, Geneva, Switzerland