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PFAS Sampling & Analysis: Importance of Planning & Analytical Expertise

Register for this free webinar where our experts will discuss the sampling and analytical considerations to be taken into account when planning a PFAS sampling program.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have many sources, such as oil and water repellents, and are used in items such as clothing, upholstery, non-stick cookware, and fire-fighting foams. They are found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. PFAS do not degrade easily and can cause adverse health effects. In this webinar, we will discuss the sampling and analytical considerations to be taken into account when planning a PFAS sampling program and present our innovative analytical solution.


At present, legislators and laboratories focus on only about 50 target compounds, leading to the underestimation of actual PFAS concentrations in a sample. In this webinar, we will present our innovative analytical solution, which is based on new and existing techniques that ensure that the presence of target PFOA/PFOS is identified and quantified. This solution will provide our clients with a more complete picture regarding the presence of PFAS in the majority of the estimated 4000 to 6000 compounds.


  • Introduction to PFAS
  • Sources of PFAS
  • Importance of PFAS in the environment
  • Importance of planning for a PFAS sampling campaign, PFAS sources of contamination, importance of a "reasonably practical approach" and the benefits of a one-stop-shop approach
  • SGS PFAS sampling capability in Europe
  • Benefits of a one-stop-shop approach
  • PFAS analysis from SGS
  • Analytical presence in Europe
  • PFASafe approach


PFAS were developed by major chemical corporations and, since the 1940s, have been used in a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, construction, electronics, and textile manufacturing.

Close collaboration between field personnel and the laboratory performing the analysis is necessary to ensure that the possibility of cross-contamination is reduced, and the integrity of samples is maintained.

SGS offers PFAS analysis in Germany, the Nordics, Benelux, and Bulgaria, with Antwerp positioned as our European Center of Excellence. Our laboratories cover a wide variety of different matrices such as wastewater, stormwater, process water, surface water, stack emission, ambient air, indoor air, solid waste, and animal and human tissues. Our strengths are our one-stop-shop approach for sampling and testing and our advanced analytical capabilities.

Target Audience

Every stakeholder involved with PFAS:

  • Government agencies and local authorities
  • Consultants involved in PFAS investigation/remediation projects
  • Engineering companies and known PFAS producers that are required to install control equipment such as thermal oxidizers, carbon absorption, and wet scrubbers and that will require baseline and performance-based stack measurement
  • Facilities where PFAS have been manufactured (i.e. chemical facilities) or used (e.g. textile/carpet manufacturers) and may have resulted in the contamination of air, soil, and groundwater
  • Landfills, where leaching of PFAS from the disposal of PFAS-containing products has resulted in contamination of soil and groundwater
  • Military bases where the historic use of PFAS in AFFF may have resulted in soil and groundwater contamination
  • Airports and petroleum refineries where large volumes of AFFF have been stored
  • Firefighting training areas where AFFF may have been used
  • Metal coating and plating facilities
  • Incinerators
  • Wastewater treatment systems and receiving water bodies


Luc De Ren
Business Development Manager, SGS – Belgium

Luc is a chemist and business development manager with over 35 years’ experience in environment related activities. A former lab manager and environmental consultant, he is always trying to find solutions to the problems that customers face. Luc has broad experience in analytics, sampling and legislation and can assist with all your needs in terms of water, waste, air and soil. As the developer of the PFASafe strategy, Luc is able to offer a great deal of insight on the subject of PFAS. For Luc, this webinar provides a means to share his extensive knowledge.

Bryan Taylor
Global Product Manager, SGS - South Africa

Bryan has over 20 years’ experience in field sampling, ranging from the collection of soil and water samples, source emission testing and ambient air sampling to industrial hygiene monitoring for evaluating worker exposure. He has worked in multiple industry sectors across multiple geographies, with different SGS field services teams and with a number of our laboratories. In this webinar, Bryan hopes to convey the message that sampling for PFAS differs from traditional sampling due to the very real possibility of sample contamination. He wants to emphasize that upfront planning with our field teams and coordination with the laboratory performing your analysis is crucial to ensuring both the collection of representative samples and maintaining sample integrity so we can provide you with quality data that can be used for sound decision making.

Language: English
Cost: Free

For more information, please contact:

Bryan Taylor
Industries & Environment
Global Product Manager Field Services
t: +27 (0) 82 776 9681

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