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ISO Publishes Two Toy Standard Amendments – ISO 8124-1: 2018 +A1:2020 and +A2:2020

SafeGuardSToys and Juvenile ProductsAugust 18, 2020

ISO 8124-1 has been amended to include new and updated requirements such as: flying toys, toy assemblies and expanding materials. ISO 8124-1 is the international standard that follows the changes in EN 71-1 and ASTM F963 and aims to achieve global harmonization.

The two amendments were published in June 2020 and include changes to align the standard with the standards EN 71-1 and ASTM F963.

The changes include:


ISO 8124-1:2018 / AMD.1:2020
ISO 8124-1:2018 / AMD.2:2020 
“Flying Toys”
  • Added new terminological entries for “flying toy” and “remote-controlled flying toy” 
  • Updated terminological entries for “free flight” and “leading edge” 
  • Replaced the original clause 4.19 “Rotors and propellers” by “Flying toys” to more closely align with EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018. New requirements were introduced as follows:
    • Added leading edges requirement on rigid parts of flying toys Added new design and instruction requirements for the rotor blades on flying toys and remote-controlled flying toys 
    • Added new design and instruction requirements for the rotor blades on flying toys and remote-controlled flying toys
    • New test method of perpendicular tension test for rotor blades of flying toys 
    • New test method of tension test for rotor blades of remote-controlled flying toys 

  • Updated the expanding material requirement and test method to align with ASTM F963-17 
  • Added new requirement in clause 4.36 that gives detail requirements on toy assemblies
  • Added new exemption to “size, shape and strength of certain toys” to align with EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 and ASTM F963-17
  • Updated requirement to other toys with folding mechanism
  • Amended the warning requirement for cord on a toy and the instructions requirements for projectile toys
  • Added feeler gauge in the tension test and added new terminological entry for “toy bag”

SGS is committed to providing information about development in regulations for consumer products as complimentary services. Through a global network of laboratories, SGS provides a wide range of services including physical/mechanical testing, analytical testing and consultancy work for technical and non-technical parameters applicable to a comprehensive range of consumer products. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

For enquiries, please contact:

Sanda Stefanovic
Toys expert
t: +31882144617 

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