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IFRA 49th Amendment – Extended Implementation Timeline

The implementation date of the 49th amendment of IFRA Standard has been extended by three months due to the global pandemic. The new implementation date is May 10, 2021 for new creations and May 10, 2022 for existing creations.

The implementation date of the 49th amendment of IFRA Standard has been extended by three months due to the global pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting COVID-19 disease, in order to help stakeholders to manage in critical times.

The original implementation timeline for product compliance with this amendment was as follows.

Standards prohibiting or restricting the use of ingredients6 months after the completion of the information exchange across the supply chain period (which is 7 months after the Notification date). In total, this is 13 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. February 10, 2021).18 months after the completion of the information exchange across the supply chain period (which is 7 months after the Notification date). In total, this is 25 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. February 10, 2022).
Standards introducing a specification on the use of a fragrance ingredientExceptionally for the 49th Amendment there is no difference of timeline for Specification Standards. Therefore, the timeline for Specification Standards is also 13 months after the date of the letter of Notification (i.e. February 10, 2021).Exceptionally for the 49th Amendment there is no difference of timeline for Specification Standards. Therefore, the timeline for Specification Standards is also 25 months after the date of the letter of Notification (i.e. February 10, 2022).

After the extension of timeline, here is the new time chart.

Standards prohibiting or restricting the use of ingredients6 months after the completion of the information exchange across the supply chain period (which is 10 months after the Notification date). In total, this is 16 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. May 10, 2021).18 months after the completion of the information exchange across the supply chain period (which is 10 months after the Notification date). In total, this is 28 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. May 10, 2022).
Standards introducing a specification on the use of a fragrance ingredientExceptionally for the 49th Amendment there is no difference of timeline for Specification Standards. Therefore, the timeline for Specification Standards is also 16 months after the date of the letter of Notification (i.e. May 10, 2021).Exceptionally for the 49th Amendment there is no difference of timeline for Specification Standards. Therefore, the timeline for Specification Standards is also 28 months after the date of the letter of Notification (i.e. May 10, 2022).

From the Guidance for the Use of IFRA Standards (May 4, 2020), ‘’New creations’ and ‘Existing creations’ are defined as:

New Creations

“any fragrance mixture for which the brief has been issued after the completion of the information exchange across the supply chain period. In practice, this means that briefs received after the Notification can only be verified for compliance with the requirements of the new Amendment once companies are fully operational.”

Existing Creations

“those fragrance mixtures that have already been placed on the market in (a) consumer product(s) or are already in the development phase at the time the completion of information exchange comes to its end. This includes:

  • Fragrance mixtures for which a brief has been received prior to the date of the Notification of the Amendment
  • Fragrance mixtures for which the brief has been received during the period of information exchange across the supply chain, and
  • Fragrance mixtures that are already in development by the fragrance manufacturer or even in the hands of the consumer product manufacturer”

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  1. IFRA Announces Notification of its 49th Amendment | SGS
  3. il1089-02-04-2020-49th-amendment-updated-implementation-timeline.pdf (ifrafragrance.org)

Next Step

The first timeline of May 10, 2021 is approaching. The fragrance industry shall get the ‘new creation’ ready to meet 49th amendment of IFRA Standard.

For enquiries, please contact:

Queenie Ho-yan TSE
Assistant Technical Service Manager
t: +852 2765 3672 

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