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Amendment to the European Standard on Mattresses for Cots and Cribs

SafeGuardSToys and Juvenile ProductsAugust 17, 2021

In May 2017, the CEN published a new European standard, EN16890: 2017, concerning mattresses used for young children in cots and cribs. An amendment to the standard is now available.

Amendment A1 to standard EN 16890: 2017 was published in June 2021 and a consolidated version of the standard is now available.

European National Standard organizations bound to CEN/CENELEC rules must withdraw conflicting national standards in December 2021.

This European standard and its amendment cover mattresses, including bases and toppers, used in children's cots, travel cots, cribs and suspended baby beds, for domestic and non-domestic use.

The amendment updates and corrects some provisions of the standard as follows:

  • In the clause “Chemical hazards” the standard now refers to EN 71-3: 2019
  • As the adequacy of size of the mattress to the cot or the crib it is intended for is critical, the method to check nominal dimensions is amended, and the tolerance on width and length is now +25/-0 mm. The thickness shall also be indicated; and verification is made to ensure the thickness of the mattress does not exceed the nominal value
  • Decorative stitches and quilting are explicitly excluded from strength and slippage requirements, and information is given on the wording “other fabrics” to be tested
  • To prevent strangulation hazards from cords and loops relevant requirements have been introduced to limit the length or the perimeter of such elements
  • The amendment also gives some additional information to ensure the durability test is conducted in the same way in every test premises

The EU standard for mattresses, EN 16890:2017, is currently listed in the EU Official Journal to show compliance to the General Product Safety Directive and its amendment will be published shortly. Please note that for UK and EU Member State countries where national legislation exists (like in Ireland and France) the national legislation should be followed.

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For inquiries, please contact:

Catherine Follin-Arbelet
International Expert – Juvenile Products
t: +33 6 28 50 25 88 

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