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Morocco Requires Certificate of Conformity for Clothing Fabrics

SafeGuardSSoftlinesApril 04, 2022

The list of products requiring a CoC for importation to Morocco has been revised. The regulation is already in force but importers of clothing fabrics can still bring goods into the country without a CoC until May 7 (date of arrival of the goods in Morocco), 2022, but the requirements must be fully met afterwards.

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Morocco’s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC) established a Verification of Conformity (VoC) program in 2020 to certify that industrial products imported into the Kingdom of Morocco comply with national regulations for product quality and safety. Depending on the products, verification shall take place either at the country of export, before shipment, or at their destination, upon arrival of the cargo.

In March 2022, the MIC announced new measures and revised the list of products subject to control abroad. This included the addition of clothing fabrics to the list of products subject to control at origin. Clothing fabrics must comply with the technical regulation standards (NM 09.0.000:2018) of Morocco and obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) before entering the Moroccan market. The certificate must be presented upon the goods’ arrival and is required before the goods can clear customs.

Regarding industrial products controlled in Morocco, the conformity assessment of products found to be non-compliant following the first control by sampling may be subject to a second analysis at the request of the importer. The Ministry specifies that this measure will be granted on the condition that it consists of two samples taken from which the test results must be compliant. Moreover, if at least one of the two results prove to be non-compliant, the goods will not be authorized to access the market.


  1. Notice to importers (in French)
  2. SGS – Kingdom of Morocco – Conformity Assessment of Industrial Products Program

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