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New Environmental Labeling Decree in France

SafeGuardSAutomotive, Electrical & Electronics, Hardgoods, Hardgoods, Hardgoods, HardgoodsMay 11, 2022

Decree 2022-748, published on April 29 2022 on the environmental labeling of waste-generating products, concerns producers, importers, dealers, and all other marketers of waste-generating products intended for consumers, including those using an online distribution channel (website, platform, etc.).

Decree 2022-748, published on April 29, 2022 relates to the environmental labeling of waste-generating products. 

It concerns all producers, importers and dealers, as well as all other marketers of waste-generating products intended for consumers. These include those using an online distribution channel (website, platform, etc.).

The decree came into effect on May 1, 2022. Environmental labeling requirements will come into force progressively, mostly depending on the size of a company, see Chart 1. Products and packaging will enjoy a stock disposal period until January 1, 2023.



January 1, 2023

Annual revenue > EUR 50 million
Placement on the national market of at least 25,000 units 

January 1. 2024

Annual revenue > EUR 20 million
Placement on the national market of at least 10,000 units

January 1, 2024


January 1, 2025

Annual revenue > EUR 10 million
Placement on the national market of at least 10,000 units

Chart 1

The decree concerns the obligation to provide information on the environmental qualities and characteristics of products and packaging (according to categories) on:

  • Reparability
  • Sustainability
  • Re-use possibilities
  • Incorporation of recycled material
  • Use of renewable resources
  • Compostability
  • Recyclability
  • The presence of hazardous substances, precious metals or rare earths
  • Traceability
  • The presence  of plastic microfibers

This information must be available by electronic means and/or by display, labeling or any other clear and comprehensible means. The format must be easily reusable and workable by an automated processing system in aggregate form.

Environmental labeling

Type of product targeted

Indication and labeling to be applied

Decrees referenced


Electrical and electronic equipment

Display of a reparability index 

Art. L. 541-9-2
Art. R. 541-210 to R. 541-214.


Electrical and electronic equipment

Display of a sustainability index from January 1, 2024

Art. L. 541-9-2
Art. R. 541-210 to R. 541-214



Statement "compostable packaging"

Art. R. 543-226

Recycled Material


Statement “product containing at least [%] recycled content."
Statement "packaging containing at least [%] recycled content."

Art. L. 541-1-1
Art. L. 541-10-1

Use of renewable resources

Construction products or materials subject to an environmental declaration

According to the conditions of the article:  Art. R. 171-17

Art. L. 541-10-1-4°
Art. R. 171-17

Possibility or re-employment


Statement "reusable packaging" or "refillable packaging"

Art. L. 541-10-1
Art. R-541-350-3°

Presence of precious metals


If greater than 1 milligram:
Statement "contains at least [X milligrams] of precious metals' or "contains at least [X milligrams] of gold, silver, platinum, palladium"

Art. L. 541-10-1

Rare earth presence


If greater than 1 milligram:
Statement "contains at least [X milligrams] of rare earths" or "contains at least [X milligrams] scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium'

Art. L. 541-10-1

Hazardous Substances

According to REACH:

- Substances
- Festschrift
- Articles

If greater than 0.1% by weight:
Statement "contains a dangerous substance'

If SVHC Statement "contains a substance of very high concern" + name of each of the hazardous substances present

Art. L 541-9-1
Decree 2021-1285

REACH: REGULATION EC 1907/2006 – Art 3 - 1°,2°,3°
REACH: REGULATION EC 1907/2006 – Art 59 -10


Textile products for clothing, footwear and household linen

Stating of the country where each step was carried out: 

  • Weaving

  • Dyeing and printing

  • Making

For shoes: 

  • Quilting

  • Assembly

  • Finishing

Art. L. 541-10-1

Presence of plastic microfiber

Textile products for clothing, footwear and household linen containing >50% synthetic fibers

Statement "releases plastic microfibers into the environment during washing" 

Art. L. 541-10-1



Statement "predominantly recyclable product" or "mostly recyclable packaging".

Art. L. 541-10-1

If recycled material represents more than 95% of the product, may include the statement "fully recycled product".

If more than 50% of the material reincorporated in an equivalent product, may include the statement "product recyclable in a product of the same nature," or "recyclable packaging in a product of the same nature"

Chart 2

SGS Commitment to the Circular Economy

SGS is committed to the circular economy and is closely monitoring the evolution of France’s AGEC law and developments in other consumer product regulations as a complimentary service. Through a global network of laboratories, SGS provides a wide range of services, including specific country regulations, physical/mechanical testing, analytical testing and consultancy work for technical and non-technical parameters applicable to a comprehensive range of consumer products. After all, it’s only trusted because it’s tested. Contact us for more information or visit our website dedicated to the circular economy.

For inquiries, please contact:

Marine Dessaigne
Circular Economy and CSR HL Manager
t: +33442977232

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