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ISO Issues Amendment 1 to ISO 8124-3:2020 ‘Migration of Certain Elements’

SafeGuardSHardgoodsApril 14, 2023

SG 46/23

ISO has published ISO 8124-3:2020/Amd.1:2023 for the migration of certain elements in relation to toy safety. This revision can be considered as effective immediately.

In March 2023, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published ISO 8124-3:2020/Amd.1:2023 ‘Safety of Toys – Part 3:Migration of certain elements – Amendment 1: Limits for boron and other elements in slime, and barium in modeling clay’ (Amendment 1). 

The latest revision determines the migration of antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), selenium (Se) and boron (B) from toy materials and toy parts.

Highlights of major changes in ISO 8124-3:2020/Amd.1:2023 are summarized in Table 1.

Clause to Amendment 1Highlights
3.13 ‘Slime’
  • Adds new definition for ‘slime’: “water-based gel or gel like material, clear or colored, which is viscous, slippery, and often non-Newtonian fluids, intended for play by hand manipulation, kneading and stretching”
3.14 ‘Modeling clay and putty’
  • Introduces new meaning
4.2 Table 1 ‘Maximum acceptable element migration from toy materials’
  • Expands the number of toy categories from three to four (see Table 2 below for details):
    • New category ‘slime’ with a new set of limits
    • Putty is expressly placed in the same category as modeling clay
    • Migration of barium becomes less stringent and new limit for boron in ‘modeling clay and putty’
4.2 Table 2 ‘Analytical corrections’
  • New set of analytical corrections that includes boron
9.8.1 ‘Test portion preparation’
  • Clarifies slime is not to be dewaxed
Annex D, D.3 ‘Specific requirements’
  • Provides rationale for raising soluble barium in modeling clays from 250 mg/kg to 350 mg/kg
  • Provides a justification for the maximum level of boron in modeling clay, putties and slime.

Table 1

Clause 4.2 Table 1 ‘Maximum acceptable element migration from toy materials (per Amendment 1 text)

Toy MaterialElement (mg/kg)
Any toy material given in Clause 1, except modeling clay and putty, finger paint, and slimeSbAsBaCdCrPbHgSeB
Modeling clay and putty6025350502590255003,750
Finger paint10103501525251050-

Table 2

SGS can help you to sell and distribute your toys internationally. As a global leader in testing, inspection and certification, we have the regulatory knowledge and industry expertise to assess your products and ensure they meet the relevant requirements for sale and distribution in different global markets. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or visit our website. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.

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For further information, please contact:

HingWo Tsang

Dr. Hingwo Tsang

Global Information and Innovation Manager
  • SGS SafeGuardS

1 Place des Alpes,

P.O. Box 2152,

1211, Geneva, Switzerland