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Utah, USA, Updates Rule R70-101 Requirements on Bedding, Upholstered Furniture and Quilted Clothing

SafeGuardSSoftlinesJune 20, 2023

SG 71/23

The recent rule update to Utah’s R70-101 concerning bedding, upholstered furniture and quilted clothing requires product law labels to be accessible on retailers’ websites, extends retailers’ responsibilities and introduces specific requirements for the use of the term ‘recycled’ in relation to filling materials.

Utah R70-101 sets forth the guidelines, protocols and processes governing the production, repair, sale and distribution of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing products and filling materials, as well as their registration and inspection within the state. This rule applies to individuals or entities engaged in the business of manufacturing, retailing, online retailing, wholesaling, processing, repairing, sterilizing and selling items of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing and filling material, regardless of their point of origin.

The updated rule includes modifications to retailers’ responsibilities, and it also extends their application to online retailers. The rule defines ‘online retailer’ as any person who engages in advertising and marketing through the internet and electronic networks.

According to the rule R07-101-12(6), “the law label shall be easily accessible to the consumer for examination before purchase”. Therefore, it is required that a product’s law label be available online for consumers and regulators to access before making a purchase. Thus, manufacturers and distributors must provide a digital version of their products’ law label to retailers selling their items in the state. This may be an image of the label or a link to access the label.

Furthermore, the amendment to R70-101-10 introduces specific requirements for the use of the term ‘recycled’ in relation to filling materials. Manufacturers are required to obtain certification from Global Recycling Standard (GRS) for each lot or batch of recycled material they use. This certification ensures compliance with established recycling standards. The term ‘recycled’ cannot be used unless subsection R70-101-10 requirements are met.

From R70-101-10 points (2) and (3):

(2) Notwithstanding subsection R70-101-10(1), the term ‘recycled’ may be used if the manufacturing facility: 

(a) Is GRS certified

(b) Provides proof of GRS certification to the department on the registration form

(c) Provides a copy of the certificate or the certification number on the invoice to the retailer for each lot or batch of filling material

(3) The manufacturing facility shall provide a copy of the certificate or the certification numbers for each batch or lot to the department upon request

For more details regarding updates to Utah Rule R70-101, please refer here.

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Louann Spirito

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