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Health Canada Seeks Comments on the Proposed Tents Regulations

SafeGuardSToys and Juvenile Products, HardgoodsJune 23, 2023

SG 75/23

Health Canada publishes proposed Tents Regulations, with interested parties having until August 26, 2023, to comment.

On June 17, 2023, Health Canada published its proposed Tents Regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part 1, which includes consequential amendments to both the Toys Regulations and Textile Flammability Regulations. The proposed regulations aims at improving the requirements that is suited to address the flammability hazards of the types of tent materials sold in the market today and reduced the use of flame retardant in tent materials.

Below are the proposed changes to the regulations:

Tents regulation

  • Update the current flammability and labeling requirements with the requirements in CAN/CGSB-182.1-2020 (Flammability and La belling Requirements for Tents) through ambulatory incorporation
  • Exclude children’s play tents that do not provide outdoor shelter in the scope
  • Add compliance period when the new version of CAN/CGSB-182.1 is published

Toys Regulations

  • Add ISO 8124-2:2014 (Safety of toys - Part 2: Flammability) flammability requirements for toys intended to be entered by a child through ambulatory incorporation. This excludes the requirement that the toy and the packaging be permanently marked with a statement if the spread of the flame of the test sample is between 10 mm/s and 30 mm/s
  • Add definition of “toy intended to be entered by a child” as “a toy that is constructed, in whole or in part, from fabric or other pliable material and that is intended to fully or almost fully enclose a child”. The definition aligns with ISO 8124-2:2014 (Safety of toys - Part 2: Flammability) which will include toys such as play tunnels, teepees and bed tents that share similar characteristics to a play tent and provide partial to full enclosure
  • Add fire-safety labelling requirements below for toys intended to be entered by a child:
    1. The outer surface of a toy intended to be entered by a child must have a permanent label containing the following warning or a different warning of equivalent meaning, in bold uppercase characters at least 3 mm in height and in both official languages: “WARNING: KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT AND OPEN FLAME / MISE EN GARDE: TENIR LOIN DES SOURCES DE CHALEUR ET DES FLAMMES NUES”
    2. The permanent label must contain an alert symbol, at least 6 mm in height, immediately before the warning
    3. The warning and the symbol must be affixed to the toy intended to be entered by a child in such a manner that they are legible and clearly visible throughout the life of the toy
  • Added compliance period when the new version of ISO 8124-2 is published

Textile Flammability Regulations

  • Update non-application section 2(b) to “dolls, plush toys, soft toys and toys intended to be entered by a child”
  • Add transitional period for when Tents Regulations and/or Toys Regulations comes into force

Health Canada invites interested parties to submit their comments by August 26, 2023.

Proposed Tents Regulations

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Dennis Lancion

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