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New European standard for candle accessories (EN 17885)

SafeGuardSHardgoodsSeptember 29, 2023

SG 124/23

EN 17885, new specifications for fire safety and product safety labels for candle accessories, helps to ensure a reasonable degree of safety during use.

A new European standard concerning fire safety and safety information for candle accessories, EN 17885, was published at the end of August 2023.

Accessories intended for use with candles, including but not limited to candle holders, candle burners, lanterns, food warmers, oil burners, candle rings, shades and toppers must comply with the safety requirements and provide suitable safety information for the consumer to ensure a reasonable degree of safety during use, thereby improving personal safety and reducing the risk of fires, deaths and injuries.

The safety requirements specified in EN 17885 include:

  • Flammability*
  • Stability
  • Fire safety
  • Surface temperature for (i) parts intended to be touched, (ii) parts likely to be touched unintentionally, and (iii) parts likely to come into contact with other materials

Birthday cake candle holders that can hold only one candle and do not contain pyrotechnics are exempted from this requirement

Regarding the safety information, it is mandatory for the safety label to include a general warning sign and appropriate supplementary safety information symbols or texts, which must be:

  • Minimum 5 mm in height for the safety symbols
  • Given in their own national language or languages of the country in which the candle accessories are marketed
  • In distinct contrast from its background
  • Visible and legible on the candle accessory itself or on its packaging (note: If this is not possible in a safe manner due to the design of the product or packaging, the product safety label may be placed in a separate brochure or pamphlet packed with the candle accessory)

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Cindy Ng

Cindy Ng

Assistant Technical Services Manager
SGS Hong Kong - Hardlines
  • SGS SafeGuardS

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