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New Registration Requirements for Mattress-related Businesses in Washington, D.C., USA

SafeGuardSSoftlinesFebruary 08, 2024

SG 27/24

All entities, whether facilities, businesses, retailers or corporations involved in the manufacturing, renovating, and/or sale of bedding, mattresses or other upholstered furniture, must complete registration with the Division of Community Hygiene under DC Health in the District of Columbia.

The Code of the District of Columbia, Title 8, Chapter 5 (Manufacture, Renovation, and Sale of Mattresses) started enforcement on August 1, 2023. This code mandates that manufacturers and retailers of mattresses must register with Washington, DC Health's Division of Community Hygiene to obtain a license. The aim of these recent adjustments is to enhance regulatory measures and maintain elevated hygiene standards within the industry.

An essential aspect of this regulation requires all facilities, businesses, retailers and corporations involved in the sale, selling or storage of bedding, mattresses or other upholstered furniture to register every two years. Companies are required to undergo registration, obtain a license and label relevant products using the standardized Uniform Label format before housing or offering them for sale in Washington, D.C.

Businesses can access the Bedding and Upholstery Registration Portal to complete the registration process. This involves completing a registration form and adhering to the outlined application requirements. Fees can vary from USD 476 for a manufacturer to USD 34 for a retailer, and may be required for importers and distributors in the future.

For the comprehensive list of regulated bedding and upholstery products, please refer to the Regulated Product List available on the DC Health website.

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For further information, please contact:

Min Zhu

Dr. Min Zhu

Consumer and Retail — Softlines
US & Canada Softlines Business Head

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