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Turkey Revises Import Communiqué for Maternity and Baby Products

SafeGuardSToys and Juvenile ProductsMarch 08, 2024

SG 42/24

Turkey has amended the nation’s import control requirements for maternity and baby products. The changes apply retroactively from January 1, 2024.

In December 2023, Turkey published Communiqué on Import of Maternity and Baby Products (Product Safety and Inspection 2024/17, SafeGuardS 4/24). This communiqué governs the nation’s import controls for these consumer goods via the Risk-Based Control System for Foreign Trade (Dış Ticarette Risk Esaslı Kontrol Sistemi, TAREKS), a system for electronically conducting safety and quality inspections on imported (and exported) goods.

On March 1, 2024, Turkey issued Communiqué 2024/34 to revise Annexes 1 to 3 in Communiqué 2024/17.

Highlights of the changes to Communiqué 2024/34 are summarized in Table 1

Communiqué (Product Safety and Inspection: 2024/34) Amending Import Control of Maternity and Baby Products (Product Safety and Inspection (2024/17))
T.C. Resmî Gazete, Number 32476, March 1, 2024

Annex to Communiqué 2024/17Highlights of changes
Annex 1
‘Regulations and standards to which imported products are subject to inspection’
  • Emphasizes that Annex 2 to the nation’s Food Codex on food contact plastics (Communiqué 2019/44) will be carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Adds two standards in relation to inspection under the Ministry of Trade and Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance:
    • TS EN 13209-2 (baby carriers)
    • TS EN 14372 (cutlery and feeding utensils)
Annex 2/A
“List of products subject to inspection’
  • Introduces TS EN 14372 to entries 2 to 10 and 13 in relation to drinking equipment and pacifiers for babies and young children
Annex 2/B
“List of products subject to inspection’
  • Establishes TS EN 14372 for entry 2 in relation to drinking equipment and pacifiers for babies and young children
  • Replaces TS EN 1466 (carry cots and stands for domestic use) with TS EN 13209-2 for entries 6 and 7 for baby carriers
Annex 3
‘Documents to be uploaded to TAREKS’
  • Requires test reports from accredited laboratories and photographs of imported products
  • Replaces language in point ** with ‘Also EU Declaration of Conformity for products within the scope of Toy Safety Directive and Directive 2014/35/EU on electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (low voltage directive (LVD))

Table 1

Communique 2024/34 entered into force on March 1, 2024, and applies retroactively from January 1, 2024.

SGS offers a range of consulting, training, product development, testing, auditing and inspection services to help you demonstrate that your products are safe, high quality, and that they comply with the strict regulations that are enforced by markets around the world. Contact us for more information or visit our website. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.

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HingWo Tsang

Dr. HingWo Tsang

Global Information and Innovation Manager
Ugur Yilmaz

Uğur Yilmaz

Certification & Regulatory Manager

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