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Maryland, USA, Regulates Certain Chemicals in Playground Surface Materials

SafeGuardSHardgoodsMay 17, 2024

SG 78/24

The US state of Maryland has regulated lead and PFAS chemicals in playground surfacing materials. The restrictions will become effective on October 1, 2024.

On May 9, 2024, the governor of Maryland signed HB 1147 (Chapter 488) into law to regulate lead and PFAS chemicals in playground surfacing materials (artificial turfs).

The new law amends Code of Maryland Environment Title 6 by adding subtitle 16A ‘Playground Surfacing Materials’.

According to the definitions in the law, ‘PFAS chemicals’, ‘Playground’ and ‘Playground surfacing materials’ have the following meanings:

  • ‘PFAS chemicals’ means a class of fluorinating organic chemicals that contain at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • ‘Playground’ is defined as a public outdoor recreation area for children equipped with one or more play structures
  • ‘Playground surfacing materials’ means products, materials, or substances used or installed on the ground surface of a playground that come into direct contact with a person

Highlights of HB 1147 are summarized in Table 1.

SubstanceScope Requirement Effective date 
LeadPlayground surfacing materials¹≤ 90 ppmOctober 1, 2024²
PFAS chemicalsPlayground surfacing materials¹Prohibited if intentionally addedOctober 1, 2024²

Table 1

¹Manufacturer must establish a certificate of compliance (CoC) to attest compliance
²Install, supply, sell, solicit or offer for sale

Since January 2024, Maryland has regulated PFAS chemicals in the following products (SafeGuardS 55/22):

  • Class B firefighting foams
  • Food packages substantially composed of paper, paperboard, or other materials derived from plant-fibers
  • Plastic disposable gloves used in commercial or institution food service
  • Rugs and carpets

With an extensive global network of highly experienced technicians and local state-of-the-art laboratories, SGS’s Restricted Substance Testing Service (RSTS) has developed a one-stop solution for manufacturers and suppliers. Discover more on our website, visit our RSTS cloud and contact us if you would like to learn more about how SGS can support. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.

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For further information, please contact:

HingWo Tsang




Global Information and Innovation Manager
Melanie Tamayo



Senior Technical Manager, SGS NA

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