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Durability Index for washing machines and televisions in France

SafeGuardSElectrical & ElectronicsJune 10, 2024

SG 87/24

On April 5, 2024, decrees related to the new durability index of the AGEC law were published. This index will gradually replace the repairability index that has been in place in France since 2021. It will be applicable to washing machines and televisions in 2025.

The establishment of a durability index aims to provide French consumers with clear and objective information on the durability and design of products. It is expressed through a score out of 10, which must be visible in stores or on the internet, alongside the price of the product. This rating allows consumers to easily compare brands and make informed choices, favouring more reliable, durable and repairable products.

Indice de durabilite

The sustainability index is based on a rigorous set of criteria that take into account several dimensions:

  • Repairability: Ease of disassembly, availability of spare parts, cost of repairs, etc. (weight given to repairability identical to reliability)
  • Reliability: Product robustness, resistance to breakdowns, lifespan, etc (corresponds to a score reflecting resistance to stress and wear (weighted by a coefficient of five))
  • Ease of maintenance: Accessibility of components, clear maintenance instructions, etc. (weighted by a coefficient of 4)
  • Fight against software obsolescence: Duration of software support by the manufacturer, software updates, product scalability, etc. The score for software improvement only weighs 10% of the final score (when this criterion applies)
  • Sales: guarantee and quality process (weighted by a coefficient of 1)

For televisions, reliability takes into account, in particular, wear resistance, which reflects the reliability of the equipment, the lifespan of the panel (with a maximum score for one supporting more than 40,000 hours of operation) and the non-burn-in warranty of the panel for at least four years (panel burn-in is a phenomenon that alters their pixels and causes residual marks to appear after prolonged display of fixed images, such as the banners of news channels).

For washing machines, reliability is assessed based on the number of cycles (those exceeding 3,400 cycles during standardized tests will obtain the best score) and the existence of a motor warranty of more than ten or twenty years. The existence and accessibility of a usage counter are also considered.

  • Documentation
  • Disassembling
  • Availability of spare parts
  • Price of spare parts
  • Resistance to forces and/or wear
  • Maintenance and servicing
  • Guarantee of durability and quality process
  • Software improvement
    Functions improvement

Manufacturers are required to communicate in detail the methodology for calculating their index and to make this information accessible to consumers on a dedicated platform (data.gouv.fr).

This transparency helps to hold stakeholders accountable and encourage them to design more durable products.

The durability index aims to better inform consumers and guide them towards more responsible choices. By encouraging manufacturers to produce eco-designed and durable goods, it contributes to reducing the environmental impact of our consumption.

Decree No. 2024-316 and associated decrees published on April 5, 2024, define the scope of application of the sustainability index, its display methods and the specific criteria for each product category.

The first products covered are televisions (January 2025) and washing machines (April 2025).

Smartphones will be covered by the European repairability and durability index from mid-2025.

Authorities already check the consistency of reparability index displays and formats, as well as the availability of calculation parameters to customers. In 2022, DGCCRF, France’s anti-fraud authority, inspected over 500 institutions that produce or sell household appliances to check the display of the repairability index. 65% had issues, especially in relation to the provision of a methodology for the calculation of the index. A total of 256 institutions received warnings, 89 institutions received injunctions, one institution received a penal report and five institutions received administrative fines of up to EUR 3,500 for repeat offences.

The durability index is an important step in the transition to more responsible and sustainable consumption. Its gradual deployment across all electronic and household appliances will allow consumers to make informed choices and ensure manufacturers make a firm commitment to eco-design.

As the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company, we can support you with: 

  1. Determining your product’s durability index score according to requirements
  2. Preparing index calculation parameters and table for authorities and consumers
  3. Improving your score through consulting services and technical advice

We will continue to provide high-quality and efficient services to help companies comply and improve their performance in eco-design and durability.

SGS is committed to providing information about development in regulations for consumer products as complimentary services. Through a global network of laboratories, SGS provides a wide range of services including physical/mechanical testing, analytical testing and consultancy work for technical and non-technical parameters applicable to a comprehensive range of consumer products. Contact us for more information or visit our website. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.

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