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CPSC Announces Expansion of eFiling Beta Pilot Test

SafeGuardSElectrical & Electronics, Hardgoods, Softlines, Toys and Juvenile ProductsJune 13, 2024

SG 88/24

On June 4, 2024, the CPSC published a notice to announce the expansion of the eFiling beta test pilot to include additional participants. CPSC will allow participation until they reach 2,000 volunteers or until an eFiling requirement becomes permanent, whichever comes first.

This expansion will allow importers of regulated consumer products to voluntarily participate in the test by electronically submitting (eFiling) data from a certificate of compliance for up to three additional years, or until the effective date of a final rule requiring eFiling. Beta pilot test participants will eFile certificate data to the CBP-authorized electronic data interchange (EDI) system known as the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE).

Submit your request to participate in the beta pilot test through an email to efilingpilot@cpsc.gov. Requests for participation should contain the subject heading:“Beta Pilot: Application to participate in Expanded PGA Message Set Test.” Technical comments on the CPSC's supplemental Customs and Trade Automated Interface Requirements (CATAIR) guideline should contain the subject heading: “Beta Pilot CATAIR Technical Comments.”

CPSC upcoming mandatory eFiling requirement will significantly impact the way products enter the U.S. market. We encourage importers to submit participation requests to get familiar with the eFiling process.

As the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company and a CPSC-approved testing laboratory, SGS can provide a variety of solutions to help our global clients fulfill their mandatory eFiling requirements.

SGS eFiling solutions:

  • Manual upload of each product’s certificate data
  • CSV batch upload of multiple product certificates
  • API to integrate with product registry automatically

As a CPSC-approved testing laboratory, we are ready to help both domestic and international businesses fulfill their mandatory eFiling requirements. With an unrivaled global network of experts, we are here to support you in making a seamless transition that helps you stay compliant. Get in touch today and stay up to date with US eFiling requirements for consumer goods.

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For enquiries, please contact:

Kelly Peng

Kelly Peng

Technical Manager – Hardlines

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