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Automotive Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity in the automotive sector with ISO/SAE 21434 certification – demonstrate that your vehicles are protected against cyber-attacks with immediate functional safety implications.

The shift towards networked driving and automated vehicles, coupled with increasing numbers of complex automotive components, has heightened the risk of cyber-attacks. As automotive cybersecurity is relatively new, a new standard has been created to address it: ISO/SAE 21434.

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What is ISO/SAE 21434?

ISO/SAE 21434 is the only cybersecurity standard on the international market that identifies the points of contact between development processes for functional safety according to ISO 26262 and how potential dangers can be analyzed and evaluated accordingly.

Numerous aspects of ISO 26262 can be found in ISO/SAE 21434, which partially simplifies the synergy of the requirements defined therein.  

SGS offers a unique, newly developed testing and certification program to ensure your implemented development processes, components and vehicles meet the requirements of ISO/SAE 21434, in accordance with ISO 26262 – Security for Safety (S4S).

Cybersecurity & Security for Safety Security (S4S) Training, Testing and Certification

As an accredited body for automotive cybersecurity, we are at the forefront of national and international efforts to promote the development of ISO/SAE 21434 and keep our customers up to date on the latest developments.

Our automotive cybersecurity services include:

SGS – Your Global Partner in Automotive Cybersecurity & S4S

As an accredited body, SGS is at the forefront of cybersecurity legislation. We are a member of the European Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Cybersecurity and the European Cybersecurity Organization (ESCO). We are also an active and contributing member of national and international standardization bodies and a member of the German Alliance for Cyber Security. Our multidisciplinary team of experts will support you in protecting your components, data and communications against cyber-attacks.

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  • SGS Germany GmbH

Benzstraße 26 & 28,


Puchheim, Bavaria, Germany