Your business depends on the highest quality water for your drinking supply but also for your production processes (process water) and cooling and heating systems. Our water analyses help you to satisfy all applicable regulatory requirements to meet a high-quality benchmark for your water.
Our reputation at determining the quality of water is unparalleled and backed up by years of experience. We have monitored the quality of drinking water in large towns and cities, factories and homes, for manufacturers, institutions and communities.
Our expert laboratory and field study analyses include:
- Managing legionella risk: Using new biomarker technology for speedy adenosine triphosphate (ATP) tests in the field and laboratory to audit cooling towers and water inlets and conduct biological mapping of hot water networks
- Preventing drinking water degradation: Monitoring production sites, storage and distribution facilities
- Investigating industrial process water by monitoring the microbiological contamination of production facilities
- Testing radioactivity levels
- Regulating inorganic (anions, metals, nutrients) and organic pollutants (solvents, mineral oil, hydrocarbons, pesticides)
- Monitoring chemical and biological oxygen, alkalinity and conductivity
For reliable, guaranteed results, backed up by our accredited laboratories, call us today and make sure your water supply passes the test.