
What are you looking for?

Petroleum Coke

Achieve full market value with comprehensive analytical testing solutions for petroleum coke (petcoke).

Petcoke is a carbon rich material with multiple uses that is derived from oil refining. Analytical testing allows you to characterize your petcoke products to achieve full market value.

SGS Petrochemical Mineral Services in Belgium

Our comprehensive range of solutions

At SGS, we offer a wide variety of solutions to assess the properties of petcoke, including:

  • Total moisture
  • Proximate analysis (includes ash)
  • Ultimate analysis (includes sulfur)
  • Gross calorific determination
  • Net calorific calculation
  • Hardgrove grindability index (HGI)
  • Size analysis
  • Trace element analysis calculation of mean size

Our solutions conform to recognized international standards such as ASTM and ISO, ensuring the optimization of plant operations and adherence to emission regulations.

Why choose SGS?
We are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in the coal and gas industry. With a global network of inspectors and industry experts, we will support you in all aspects of manufacturing, processing and trading petroleum coke.

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  • SGS Headquarters

1 Place des Alpes,

P.O. Box 2152,

1211, Geneva, Switzerland