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Product Recall Trends

Product Recall Trends provides a quarterly overview of the top recalled product categories and products, and the main associated risks, in the EU and the USA.
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EN Hardlines

Hardline product recalls in the EU increase by 60% on the previous quarter.
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Multicolour Bokeh Background

Product Recall Trends in Connectivity: Q3 2021

Recalls of unsafe electrical and electronic products increased in the USA in Q3, 2021, while dropping in the EU
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Multicolour Bokeh Background

Product Recall Trends in Softlines: Q3 2021

Unsafe product notifications for softlines dropped in the both the EU and USA in Q3, 2021.
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Multicolour Bokeh Background

Product Recall Trends in Hardlines: Q3 2021

Unsafe product notifications for Hardline products dropped in both the USA and EU in Q3, 2021.
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Multicolour Bokeh Background

Product Recall Trends in Softlines: Q2 2021

In Q2 2021, product recalls for softlines increased in both the EU and the USA compared to the previous quarter.
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Multicolour Bokeh Background

Product Recall Trends in Hardlines: Q2 2021

Q2 2021 recalls for hardlines products showed an increase in both the EU and USA against the first quarter of the year.
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Multicolour Bokeh Background

Product Recall Trends in Connectivity: Q2 2021

Both the USA and EU saw a drop in unsafe product notifications for electrical & electronic products compared to the previous quarter.
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Product Recall Trends in Connectivity: Q1 2021

Both the USA and EU saw a drop in unsafe product notifications for electrical & electronic products, compared to the previous quarter.
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Product Recall Trends in Hardlines: Q1 2021

In Q1 2021, recalls for hardlines products decreased in both the EU and USA, against the previous quarter.
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Product Recall Trends in Softlines: Q1 2021

In Q1 2021, product recalls for softlines decreased in both the EU and the USA, compared to the previous quarter.
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