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Australia and New Zealand Publish AS/NZS 8124-3:2021 For the Migration of Certain Elements

March 31, 2021
orig scientist reaching for test tubes

In February 2021, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand published AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2021, a joint Australian/New Zealand standard specifying the maximum acceptable levels and methods of sampling, extraction and determination for the migration of eight elements from toy materials and from parts of toys.

In February 2021, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand published AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2021, a joint Australian/New Zealand standard specifying the maximum acceptable levels and methods of sampling, extraction and determination for the migration of eight elements from toy materials and from parts of toys.

The AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2021 standard on the migration of certain elements has been published. It supersedes AS/NZS 8124.3:2012 and AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2012 Amd 1:2016.

The new standard is identical to ISO 8124-3:2020 and contains several major changes when compared to AS/NZS 8124.3:2012 and AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2012 Amd 1:2016. It:

  1. Separating the definitions for paper and paperboard:
    • Paper means sheet formed by irregular intervened cellulose fibers with a mass per unit area of 400 g/m² or less. Laminated paper or paper with other treatments that may be resistant to wetting are not treated as paper
    • Paperboard, which includes card or cardboard materials, means sheet formed by irregular intervened cellulose fibers with a mass per unit area of more than 400 g/m², excluding pressed fiberboards such as medium density fiberboard (MDF), chipboard and materials with similar properties
  2. Provides a completely new definition for method blank, calibration blank, instrument detection limit and calibration check solution
  3. Allows dewaxing to be carried out using either soxhlet extractor or solvent extractor, with both procedures according to ISO 824-6:2018
  4. Introduces completely new Annex C (informative) on methods for analysis of elements (former Annex C has been re-designated as Annex D with modifications in the new standard)

Highlights of the migration values for the eight elements in AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2021 are summarized as: 

Toy MaterialElement (mg/kg)
Sb AsBaCdCrPbHgSe
Toy material other than modeling clay and finger paint60251,00075609060500
Modeling clay602525050259025500
Finger paint10103501525251050

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