Since January 2021, EU producers, importers, assemblers, and distributors of articles containing more than 0.1% of an SVHC on the Candidate List are obliged to notify the ECHA (Waste Framework Directive, WFD). This notification is published in ECHA’s substances of concern in products (SCIP) database.
Once a substance is placed on the Candidate List, companies have legal obligations when their substance is included either on its own, in mixtures or in articles.
On January 23, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced the addition to five substances to the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC). This inclusion expands the number of entries on the Candidate List from 235 to 240.
Additionally, the ECHA expands the classification of one existing entry for dibutyl phthalate (DBP) to include its endocrine disrupting properties for the environment.
No. | Substance | EC/CAS # | Classification | Examples of application |
1 | 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol | 211-989-5 / 732-26-3 |
2 | 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol | 221-573-5 / 3147-75-9 |
3 | 2-(dimethylamino)-2-[(4-methylphenyl)methyl]-1-[4-(morpholin-4-yl)phenyl]butan-1-one | 438-340-0 / 119344-86-4 |
4 | Bumetrizole (UV-326) | 223-445-4 / 3896-11-5 |
5 | Oligomerisation and alkylation reaction products of 2-phenylpropene and phenol | 700-960-7 /--- |
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