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Initiative Tierwohl

Promote animal welfare in livestock farming with Initiative Tierwohl certification

Enhance animal welfare through innovative livestock farming practices.

Animal health is increasingly important to consumers. The Initiative Tierwohl program builds trust in your supply chain by demonstrating animal welfare compliance and advancement.

What is Initiative Tierwohl?

This voluntary quality assurance scheme focuses on the pig and poultry sectors and rewards farmers for putting in place farming practices that work towards enhanced animal welfare in livestock production systems. Farmers who achieve their robust animal welfare requirements receive a direct payment that supports them in implementing the measures needed to achieve higher welfare criteria.

Applicants who are accepted into the scheme are subject to audits and inspections during the term of their engagement with the program, enabling them to demonstrate compliance with the higher animal welfare criteria as required.

Benefits of Initiative Tierwohl certification

Producers will receive a higher payment for their products from participating abattoirs following a successful audit. Their products can also carry the well-recognized Initiative Tierwohl product seal, demonstrating transparency to consumers and making it easier for them to trust that animal welfare has been prioritized in the supply chain.

Initiative Tierwohl can be undertaken as a standalone audit or in conjunction with other recognized audit programs such as QS Quality & Safety, which also work towards enhanced animal welfare in farming.

Why choose SGS?

We are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in the food supply sector. We are an approved certification body for the Initiative Tierwohl program and have significant experience in delivering the associated inspections and audits required under this initiative

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Yokohama, Japan