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North America Listed Mark

North America Listed Mark from SGS – get electrical and electronic products to market in the United States and Canada quickly and efficiently.

The North American market is one of the fastest growing in the world. For your products to have access to this market, they must be properly tested and certified to government and retailer standards. As a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL), we can ensure that your products are compliant with all government regulations and safety schemes.

SGS NRTL Services

Gaining access to the North American market is complicated, and the rules for product compliance can be confusing. The North America Listed Mark will help clear your path to the US and Canada markets by demonstrating that your electrical and electronic products comply with applicable US (OSHA) and Canadian (SCC) safety standards.

Why choose the North America listed mark from SGS?

Product safety certification is a key component of a smart compliance strategy. With the North America Listed Mark, you can be sure that your products comply with the safety requirements for sale in Canada and the US. We certify a wide range of products, including:

  • Appliances
  • Audiovisual (AV) products
  • Batteries
  • Information technology (IT) products
  • Lighting
  • Medical equipment
  • Power tools
  • Products for hazardous locations

We offer:

  • Product evaluation and reports
  • Field labels
  • NFPA
  • NEMA
  • SEMI S-2 & S8
  • Custom protocols

Our dedicated local team can provide on-site field evaluation services for your custom devices, red-tagged equipment and unlisted products. We can perform in-field evaluations at the installation site or preliminary evaluations at the manufacturer’s location.

You may have to choose a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) to gain OSHA or SCC certification. We can help you with this.

Custom Solutions from a Leading Independent Provider of Certification Services

With electrical and electronic experts in over 20 approved laboratories worldwide, we deliver custom, innovative solutions to speed your entry into the North American market.

Contact us today to find out more about the North America Listed Mark.

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Yokohama, Japan