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Biosafety Field Studies

Comprehensive GM crop development and stewardship solutions.

Deliver safe agricultural products to global markets. Our extensive biosafety field trial solutions ensure the safety of new genetically modified (GM) traits.

Developing, producing and selling GM crops requires careful management. Proving GM crops are safe is an ongoing process that must be supported by accurate and trusted safety and quality data drawn from field trials.

We offer a comprehensive range of GM biosafety field trial solutions covering both mandatory and specialist studies. Following good laboratory practice (GLP) principles, our experts assist in the planning and conduct of your study, ensuring it meets all relevant requirements. Using state-of-the-art equipment, industry recognized methodologies, standardized operating procedures, and a proven field trial documentation system and compliance stewardship program, we deliver unbiased results to support regulatory compliance.

Solutions include agronomical and nutritional equivalence, non-target organism testing, environmental impact assessments, crop residue and soil accumulation and dissipation studies.

With a global network of field trial centers in all parts of the world, we have the capabilities in place to help you develop and market safe and compliant GM crops for local, international and global submissions.

  • SGS Liban S.A.L.

Sin El Fil – Horch Tabet,

St. Georges Bldg, 9th Floor, 165165,

Beirut, Lebanon