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GLP Residue Studies

Facilitate statutory certification for plant protection products (PPPs) through good laboratory practice (GLP) crop residue studies.

Comprehensive range of accredited GLP crop residue study solutions to support PPP approval.

Balancing the potential benefits of pesticide use against the harm that can be done is crucial for avoiding disease and poor growth. GLP studies are a key tool in maximizing your understanding of residues and the potential value of new PPPs.

We offer a comprehensive array of GLP residue studies to help you get your product to market more quickly. Utilizing our global network of state-of-the-art testing facilities, we are able to perform field trials in a wide variety of relevant geographical, cultural and climatic conditions. Our experienced staff offer programs involving various application techniques and study types, including harvest and decline studies under open field and protected conditions. Additionally, we also offer food processing and terrestrial field soil dissipation studies, and a wide variety of laboratory services, like method development and validation, residue analysis and storage stability studies.

Wherever you operate in the world, our GLP residue study programs will help you to ensure efficacy and regulatory compliance for your PPP.

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  • SGS Liban S.A.L.

Sin El Fil – Horch Tabet,

St. Georges Bldg, 9th Floor, 165165,

Beirut, Lebanon