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Regulatory compliance & advisory

With a worldwide network of industry specialists, we provide on and off-site consultant services for all health products for both humans as well as companion animals, including advice on food, food/dietary supplement regulations, composition assessments and additive evaluations, and assistance with product health claims substantiation and product classification. Our experts also provide advice on the differentiation between food, food supplement and pharmaceutical preparations.

Regulatory affairs services cover the entire supply chain with specific support for both ingredient suppliers and consumer-facing brands.  Ingredient services are provided for FDA, Health Canada, EFSA, UK and all other major geographic regions. GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe), NDIN (New Dietary Ingredient Notification), Novel Food and Master File. Labeling, registration, claim substantiation strategy and clinical trial execution is provided for both ingredient suppliers as well as consumer-facing brands.

SGS DIGICOMPLY, our powerful content management platform transforms compliance data into user-friendly actionable knowledge. It combines high technology with human expertise to sort and classify multiple data sources into one coherent data feed that's specific to your needs.