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Developing Digital PVoC Services for Gabon

PCA NewslettersDecember 21, 2022

Since 2015, SGS has provided pre-shipment verification of conformity (PVoC) services to the Gabonese Republic (Gabon), on behalf of its national standard body, Agence Gabonaise de Normalisation (AGANOR).

The Programme Gabonais d’Evaluation de la Conformité (PROGEC) scheme verifies and confirms that products to be exported to Gabon from all over the world, comply with national, regional or international quality standards. When goods meet these requirements, SGS has been approved to issue a Certificate of Conformity (CoC). This CoC, requested on arrival for customs clearance, is provided to exporters, or printed at destination, where importers will be able to collect it, at SGS's Liaison Office.

In accordance with SGS’s position as the leading provider of TIC services, we are spearheading the digitalization of PVoC globally, using a wide range of modern tools. Thus, all requests for a certificate of Conformity (RFC) are made electronically through our Exporter Portal. This secure web-based platform enables customers to submit RFC details online, 24/7, in a fast and easy way. Furthermore, following the positive experience and the effectiveness of digital inspection demonstrated at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have developed SGS QiiQ™, a revolutionary tool, fully compliant with the ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard. This tool contributes to trade facilitation in line with World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Customs Organization (WCO) requirements.

Finally, the Program will also benefit from the improvements provided by e-Trade, a new platform under implementation. This will be used in particular, but not exclusively for, PVoC, with the main objective of strengthening the quality of service to customers.

Regulated products

Products of the following Chapters of the Harmonized System are covered under the Program:

  • (Chapters 84, 85 and 94) Machines and appliances, electrical, electronic equipment, and their parts
  • (Chapters 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 68, 69, 70 to 83) Civil engineering, products from chemical industry and construction
  • (Chapters 33, 34, 90 and 95) Health, medical and surgical instruments and devices, personal care, cosmetics, and toys

However, because health and safety of its population is a priority for the Gabonese authorities, voluntary certification of products which are not yet covered under the Program is strongly encouraged.

Certification routes

There are three routes to obtaining a CoC:

  • ROUTE A: for unregistered traders, suppliers, of manufacturers of sensitive goods
  • ROUTE B (Registration): for registered suppliers of manufactured goods and for frequent exporters of homogeneous products
  • ROUTE C (Licensing): for certified products from manufacturers and their authorized representatives

Work in progress

In order to improve the efficiency of the Program, and in accordance with the development of digital services promoted by the Government of Gabon, an Electronic Certificate of Conformity (e-Certificate) is in the final stages of development, and is expected to be operational shortly. This will allow all stakeholders (exporters, importers, AGANOR, and customs to receive issued CoCs electronically and simultaneously. Led by AGANOR and customs, this important project has benefited from the full involvement of SGS, and we will keep you posted of progress on this.

SGS, a Testing Inspection and Certification (TIC) Council Member, is the world’s leading testing inspection and certification company whose value to society is enabling a better, safer and more interconnected world.

We offer efficient and comprehensive solutions delivered by a dedicated team of experts to ensure your shipments meet Gabon’s requirements.

Learn more about Gabon – Certificate of Conformity (PROGEC).

This article can also be found in our PCA Newsletter (Q4/2022) – which keeps you up to date with developments in technical barriers to trade and product conformity assessment.

Read more in our PCA Newsletter



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For more information, please contact:

Bobby Byll
Contract Manager
Trade Facilitation Services, SGS
t: +241 001 77 09 63

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