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Selling to Qatar: Product Compliance Support

PCA NewslettersDecember 19, 2022

With effect from April 1, 2012, all consignments of regulated products exported to Qatar are required to demonstrate compliance to Qatari Technical Standards. This involves providing accredited and traceable test reports (conformity documentation) to ensure entry and clearance into Qatar ports and borders.

If you are exporting to Qatar, it is highly recommended that you obtain a Certificate of Conformity from SGS to ensure that your product conforms to the Qatari requirements. SGS is an ISO/IEC 17065 accredited body for the facilitation and support of conformity and product compliance and can provide pre-shipment inspections and both mandatory and voluntary product testing.

Regulated products

  • Cosmetics (hair shampoo, hair products containing keratin, eyebrows/eyelashes dye, black henna)
  • Children’s toys
  • Tableware made of melamine plastics
  • Tires
  • Construction products (concrete block masonry units, non-wieldable steel reinforcing bars used in concrete, precast concrete paving bocks, bitumen 60/70 used in roads, aggregates and limestone)
  • Vehicles and motorcycles
  • Vehicles spare parts (brake linings, wheel rims, safety belts)
  • Electrical appliances (fans/exhaust fans, electric irons, hair driers, straighteners and similar)
  • Food and drinks packages and cups made of plastic, paper and foam
  • Colonia
  • Split and window air conditioning (AC) – less than 7 CT

Why do you need a Certificate of Conformity (CoC)?

A Certificate of Conformity from SGS will ensure that all regulated imported products comply with Qatari regulations. A CoC is required for smooth customs clearance of the consignment at destination ports and borders.

Who can apply?

Exporters and manufacturers of the product consignments can apply to the nearest SGS office for more information and to initiate the application process.


It is recommended that exporters apply for a CoC with an SGS office for all consignments destined for Qatar. Mandatory documentation is a pre-requisite for shipments of regulated goods and will include a request for certification, final invoice, conformity documents (technical product sheet, test reports, inspection reports, etc.) and a manufacturer’s/seller’s declaration. 

As part of the necessary procedures, SGS provides physical inspection before shipment of goods at origin, and analysis of product samples in an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory, to demonstrate compliance with Qatari Technical Standards. The Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is issued to evidence the compliance of the shipment.

Applicant submits supporting documents:

  • Test report from ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory and International Laboratory Accreditation cooperation (ILAC) recognized body
  • Report validity depends on the product, and should not exceed six months from date of testing

Documentation review*

  • Verify the conformity of the goods to the applicable Qatari/GSO standards and requirements

Testing (mandatory)

  • Sample is collected and tested if no valid test reports are available

Inspection of the shipment*

  • Perform physical inspection of products

CoC issuance for the shipment*

  • Exporter to provide original Commercial invoice for issuance of the CoC

*Voluntary support where SGS can assist you to assure compliance and conformity (recommended)

Learn more about the Qatar – PVoC Program.

This article can also be found in our PCA Newsletter (Q4/2022) – which keeps you up to date with developments in technical barriers to trade and product conformity assessment.

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For more information, please contact:

Anand Nair
Connectivity & Products Director - Arabian Peninsula Region
t: +971 50 553 1927

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